Wednesday, April 20, 2011


“Money is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air and housing, it affects everything yet for some reason the world of academics thinks it's a subject below their social standing.”
I have been privileged for it to have been revealed to me that I travelled all the long distance from Bawku to Accra, where I currently reside all because of money. I need money through legal means to survive this life and in my quest to get this money I find myself currently living in Accra, where there is so much filth, there is so much man-made traffic jam on the roads, where there is no water for residents of the national capital to use, where I see my colleague human beings live in the opening whilst it’s raining, they are soaked and have no where to seek for shelter, where  school children have to wake up as early as 4 am and prepare to go to school, where nobody really cares about anybody, in a capital city where gardeners use very dirty water from very dirty gutters to water vegetables and sell these vegetables to Ghanaians to consume,(disaster) then I can only conclude that everything that man has caused to happen or is causing to happen is as result of seeking for some money.
Anybody, whether in Ghana, America, Australia, Libya, Zimbabwe, in England and all other parts of the world live there primarily because of money. You can move to where life would be comfortable for you, but life being comfortable means, you have money to buy food, for healthcare, for shelter, for clothing and for luxury, else, whoever, you are, you will move to another destination hoping for better life or else you move on till you find some.
People kill others for money. People rob others for money. People rob their employers of money and some employers also rob their employees of their due pay.
Drivers fleece passengers for more money. Students cheat to get good grades to get good jobs with the aim of getting good money. People are living illegally in other people’s countries all because they want money.
How many pastors and priests would stand for Jesus if they were denied of their daily bread?
Organizations are trying to kill their competitors so they alone could survive and take all the money. Books are written, songs are sung, plays are acted, schools are opened, organizations are established, and children are sent to school sometimes very away from home. Why? Money!
Nations have unnecessarily fought other nations just with a common latent aim of taking some of their enemy’s money or some resource. Political leaders vie for mighty power all because of one paramount reason – money. How many politicians in this world just want fame and power for their own sakes if they, the political figures were denied the luxuries of living in the presidential palaces, where money has been used to build beautifully? How many would be politicians if they were denied of the motorcade, denied of the good healthcare, the uninterruptible power and water, internet, telephone supply? More importantly, how many would offer themselves to serve their various countries if they were denied of salaries and given no penny for their contributions towards national development? Money is the number one underling factor in almost decisions taken or not taken on earth.

Once we all cannot say we don’t need money, we have ended up competing for money as if is the chief reason we were created.  
In my quest to learn Financial Literacy, which teaches everything about money, I learnt that there are three kinds of money:
·        Competitive Money
This is money that is being competed for by individuals and organizations.  This is the survival of the fittest. No mercy for the “cripple” (cripple here does not mean somebody who is naturally challenged in any form). Competition starts the very day you are sent to school and goes on till we leave this life. Many people and or organizations have gotten their money through this way, by competing and eliminating others to get what they want, money. Winner takes all is the prize of the game.
·        Co-operative Money
This is money that is gotten through the collaboration by many people and or organizations. The results have been achieved because of the effort of many, who have shared their energies, time, ideas, and other things to get the money. Everybody takes part in the prize of the game, because the money has been gotten through the concerted efforts of everybody.   
More than necessary money for Africa could be gotten through this means if all African countries were united and supported one another.  More than zillion an amount of money could have been gotten if the world was united and genuinely depended on one another.
·        Spiritual Money
Inside of every problem lies an opportunity”
 This is money that is gotten by doing God’s work. This is does not mean being pastor, no, that is not what I mean. Let’s see with appropriate examples in a country like Ghana.  There are so many unacceptable road accidents in Ghana and the rate does not seem to be reducing. Anybody or any organization, that wants spiritual money could just begin doing what it would take to reduce road accidents in Ghana to a very low level and much as that person or organization might think that they just doing God’s work, they wouldn’t know how they will end up being rich, solving this problem and for that matter doing God’s work of saving the lives of their colleague human beings.
There are many issues concerning women and children in Ghana and in the world that need bold people to arrest them. Infant mortality. Breast Cancer and all other cancers. Spiritual money exists here greatly. Those, who would take up this to save lives, will get spiritual money. Health Literacy is another area that could bring spiritual money home.
Waste management in Ghana is a great concern and a very big problem. There is spiritual money here too.
Conflict resolutions, eradication of poverty, water and energy crises are all real and alive and kicking in Africa and many parts of the world.  Organizations and individuals who take them up and tries to reduce the want for them by helping provide what is needed will be working tediously  and very hard but will eventually get the spiritual money hidden  in there.
The aged need care and love but day after day they are denied these and for many of the aged think life is no more worth living it. Anybody who tries to put some great happiness and smiles in the faces of the aged could be on his or her way to getting real spiritual money.
Whatever means you use to get your money, do well to devote a small portion to doing God’s work that is what God would love to see you do. Help keep the environment clean. Help maintain peace. Help the aged enjoy some more life on earth. Help the little children enjoy education, healthcare, Help the women give birth safely. Help the poor in society get some relief and support. Help exterminate road accidents and other forms of accidents that claim lives and drain countries of their greatest assets and resources, that is the human being. 
“Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.”
© 2011, Godwin-Xavier Ayeebo
Blog: www.